This cheap replica watch is the ultimate black tie watch, only timekeeping and classic, measuring only 37 mm. It is also decorated with a smooth alligator leather strap and a large number of large rectangular cut diamonds. This is a technically particular watch that attaches great importance to its sparkle.

To ensure that the upgrade is conspicuous, the balance is fixed on both sides by a pair of strong red and gold bridges. This is exactly the same as the standard model, but I would prefer the platinum bridge to maintain the balance of the Best Audemars Piguet Replica watch, which will better suit the color of the diamond and movement.

The movement is the same as that of the standard model, which means excellent. But due to the light color of the finish, the bevel and texture are more obvious here. This is true both on the front and back.

The Audemars Piguet Replica Watch case is 18k white gold, and the front of the case, bezel and crown are set with baguette-cut diamonds. It is only 37 mm, but it looks and feels slightly larger than it.

However, the case is indeed a bit taller relative to the diameter. This is partly due to the thickness of the movement, but also to the slightly higher bezel needed to accommodate the diamonds.

The Double Balance Wheel copy watch set with diamonds is suitable for occasions. The black tie best described as luxurious, it is bold and elegant. And the movement is technically reliable, making it a serious watch with a lot of flash.